Newtonhill - The Newsie (issued quarterly)
Aberdeenshire Local Councillors - Ward 17 - North Kincardine
Alastair Bews --
Alison Evison --
Ian Mollison --
Colin Pike
Wards Map for the whole of Aberdeenshire
Members of the Scottish Parliament
Aberdeen South and North Kincardine, Constituency MSP:
Maureen Watt
North East Scotland, Regional MSPs:
Bill Bowman --
Peter Chapman --
Liam Kerr --
Lewis Macdonald
Jenny Marra --
Tom Mason --
Mike Rumbles
Member of Parliament - West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine
Andrew Bowie MP
Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire - the British Monarch's representative
Mrs Carol Kinghorn
Local Small Trades (Joinery, Gardeners, Plumbers, Roofing, Tilers, etc.)
Shops and Businesses (Bookies, Barbers, Vets, Financial Services)
Body and Mind (Doctors, Dentists, Chemists, Pharmacy, Gym, Places of Worship)
Hospitality (Pubs, Bars, fast food takeaways, Places to Eat or Stay)
Misc' Other Local Info' (Childminding, Library, Pool, Hall Hire)